Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Scientology: Who Really Can Take It Seriously?

I found some, well, rather interesting quotes on Scientology today while reading on it at this website http://www.scientology.cc/en_US/index.html, from which all quotes are taken.

“Individuals improve their lives through Scientology. As Scientologists in all walks of life will attest, they become happier and enjoy greater success in their relationships, family life, jobs and professions.”
Right I believe it. That’s why Tom Cruise has been married 3 times and had relationships outside of marriage. He is really improving his relationships and family life.

"The writings and recorded spoken words of L. Ron Hubbard on the subject of Scientology collectively constitute the scripture of the religion. He set forth the Scientology theology and technologies in more than 500,000 pages of writings, including dozens of books and over 2,000 tape-recorded public lectures."
"Thus, one will also find Scientologists studying the works of L. Ron Hubbard in any Church of Scientology."
"Although Mr. Hubbard departed his body in 1986, he is still with us in spirit and the legacy of his work continues to help people around the world realize their true spiritual nature."
"Scientologists celebrate several major holidays annually. These include the birthday of L.Ron Hubbard."
The Scientologists say they don’t consider Hubbard a Christ figure. Hmm… What do you think?

"Scientology is a religion in the deepest and most traditional sense, for it is concerned with no less than the full rehabilitation of man’s innate spiritual self — his capabilities, his awareness and his certainty of his own immortality — and his relationship to the divine."
"Scientology holds in common with many of the world’s oldest religions the belief that man was put here to work out his own salvation and that only by doing this can he fully understand his relationship to God the Creator," and their creed states that “We of the Church believe that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.”
Hold the phone the Bible clearly states that Jesus is the way and the truth and the life and that the only way to God the father is through him (John 14:6) not the spirit.
“Scientology principles further hold that man is basically good and that his salvation depends upon himself, his relationships with his fellow man and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.”
Yup, right, Hitler and Stalin were basically good. I forgot.
Here again I beg to differ. The Bible clearly states that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).
“A civilization without insanity, without criminals, and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology.”
It’s an impossible goal, so ROCK ON Scientologists and try to achieve it. It’s never going to happen. Only through the grace of God can the sinfulness and problems of man be resolved.
“Scientology affirms the existence of a Supreme Being, although its dogma is unique and does not include the worship of one. Scientology believes that only through total spiritual enlightenment can one then truly discover and understand the Supreme Being.”
This is a no enlightenment zone. You have to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and then you can have fellowship through Christ with God and can by pass all the insane mumbo jumbo of “auditing.”
“Man is an immortal spiritual being.” Wrong! Man is a sinful and is going to die w/o a faith in Christ. Let me again appeal to the scriptures.
For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23).
“His (man’s) experience extends well beyond a single lifetime.” My question is where does man's experiences go after a single lifetime? Any ideas?
"God helps those who help themselves." Please Scientologists out there show me where this is found in scripture.
“Scientologists believe that one must be properly prepared — spiritually and ethically — to receive these materials and that premature exposure could impede spiritual development. For this reason, the information in these advanced scriptures is kept confidential.”
Sure, or perhaps it is more like that the thinking of the Scientologists is so whacked out that they don’t want you to know about it right up front or they wouldn’t have any new converts. Like the Mormons.

1 comment:

Robert White said...

While much of the content of this post was taken from the scientology website, your critical analysis is on point and evidences a maturity beyond your years.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm proud of you for blogging and believing in things enough to make a point of thinking and writing about them.

Well done!