Thursday, March 15, 2007

General Peter Pace Stands Up for the Truth

General Peter Pace, current Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Monday that homosexuality is immoral in an interview with the Chicage Tribune.
"I believe that homosexual acts between individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts. I do not believe that the armed forces of the United States are well served by a saying through our policies that it's OK to be immoral in any way." General Peter Pace in an audio clip of his interview with the Chicago Tribune.

Hurray for General Pace. Finally someone came out and stood up for what is right. I applaud him for taking a stand and telling it like it is. Unfortunately the amount of fire he has taken from opponents is shameful, like this woman, one Arlene Isaacsen member of the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus who said to CBS Radio Station WBZ-AM,
"It's bad enough that he thinks that. It's even worse that he would be foolish enough to say that publicly. It is crass prejudice, crass bigotry and brazen ignorance, and it's disgraceful to think that someone in his position would think in these terms."
This woman is not very clear on how General Pace's statement was prejudiced, bigoted, or ignorant, she just kind of throws those words out there without an explanation. Since she does not give an explanation I will infer that apparently she is of the opinion, that to have a moral conviction and state it to the public, is all of the above mentioned.

This is just another part of the battle in America over homosexuality and another part of the battle to hold together a moral code here in America. America cannot continue on abstract truths and the "phrase who am I to judge." We need more people in places of power to come out and say what General Pace said and then brave the ensuing criticism. For the immorality of homosexuality is the truth and the truth cannot be supressed by the governing idea and word of America today, and that word is tolerance.
"In the world it is called Tolerance, but in hell it is called Despair, the sin that believes in nothing, cares for nothing, seeks to know nothing, interferes with nothing, enjoys nothing, hates nothing, finds purpose in nothing, lives for nothing, and remains alive because there is nothing for which it will die." Dorothy Sayers.
What better way to define the pervading idea of tolerance in our culture. It defines the state of this country perfectly. This country, this great America is sinking in the sea of tolerance. We hold to absolutely nothing anymore. There are no more morals or truths in this country except the truth of "whatever works for you."
That is where we are, "whatever works for you." You want to murder your baby go ahead, whatever works for you. You are a homosexual, whatever works for you. You believe in the theory of evolution, whatever works for you. With this being the state of the country today let us praise God when a man like General Pace takes a stand.
So now I entreat those of you reading this blog, pray. Pray for more leaders like General Pace, pray for morals to be again held to in this country, and pray for the abolition of the sin called tolerance.

I wonder if General pace knew the effect his words would have. I don't know. I do know however that with the speaking of those words, a new battle begins to keep the boat MORALS afloat in America.


Matthew said...

For us to tell a homosexual that they are living in sin it always comes from a religiously oppressive and almost ignorant voice. What is truth for us is not truth for them; just as in; what is truth for a Hindu is not truth for us...or what truth is for an African is not truth for an Australian.
Now, I do happen to believe that homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of the Lord...HOWEVER i feel that there is probably a better way to deal with the issue than your deal old General did by blatantly telling the homosexual community that they are immoral. What morale is that building in patriotism in itself?

In.Not.Of said...

Using your logic that truth is relative based upon opinion, doesn't that mean Hitler was right to kill millions of innocent Jews because he felt that the truth was that Jews were inferior and filth. Wouldn't that further mean that the Allied powers were wrong to speak out against him and make war on Germany, because what was true for us was not true for Hitler?